Impact Health is a service and mobile application with the power to change how healthcare is delivered to LMICs.
Impact Health has been designed to reflect the new reality in digital healthcare that prioritizes in-country solution provisioning and data storage, and has a support-and-maintenance pricing model that enables campaigns to be added or changed with minimal or no cost.

Open Campaign Link is an open standard under development by IPRD Solutions to enable the monitoring and treatment of health conditions that depend critically on longitudinal patient information or that are interconnected with other campaigns designed to impact global health.
Open Campaign Link (OCL) can be used to generate a machine-readable QR code and a human-readable OCL Code that encodes and indexes information that a solution provider believes will be useful in their own or other campaigns. Codes can be used on devices, or printed on paper documents that patients can carry.
Most importantly, OCL codes can be generated by different solution providers at different times without centralized coordination. Solution providers can then link critical data from ongoing or previous campaigns as is relevant for their campaign.
APIs and Data Standards
IPRD has developed software APIs and standards to allow developers to integrate diverse objective measurement modules into machine-guided workflows. It is anticipated that FHIR will accelerate the adoption, and increase the value of easy-to-use, low-cost, point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics for diseases in underserved communities.
The diverse point-of-care diagnostics ecosystem will require seamless orchestration and data exchange between systems and devices. Previously, this has been done through proprietary protocols and data structures. This increases the cost of adding new MGD systems to point-of-care diagnostics eco-systems and, moreover, leads to isolated systems that are rarely interoperable. The use and adoption of HL7 FHIR© can reduce the cost of adding new devices and applications, and can enable the point-of-care diagnostics ecosystem in underserved communities.