IPRD and Hacey Health Initiative in Nigeria, with full support of the State Government of Oyo and the Department of Health, has implemented a highly successful and scalable MNCH (Maternal, Neo-Natal and Child Health) management platform at various Primary Health Centers as well as in the hands of hundreds of Community Birthing Attendants (CBAs).
To deploy such a solution, IPRD is working with our partners, Argusoft, who are the developers of the highly successful TeCHO+ platform deployed statewide in Gujarat. We worked with teams on the ground in Nigeria to collect feedback on the needs of the HCWs and CBAs and how a mobile based platform like TeCHO+ can be modified for Nigeria (different healthcare context, infrastructure, environment and language) to maximize improvement in health outcomes for pregnant women and new mothers in the different geography. We then led modifications and adaptations to the platform for Nigeria, and have developed processes that will facilitate and expedite similar export to other LMI countries.
Our initial deployment is currently underway at two Primary Health Centers operating using the platform to enter all daily Antenatal and Postnatal visit information into the system. Further expansion to multiple centers covering about 5 Local Government Areas is underway.