As an example of a Digital Campaign, the SmartHealth RECOVERS solution is a Rapidly-deployable and Extensible COvid-19 Vaccination opERational Solution for LMI countries. The solution maximizes patient throughput in a pop-up clinic environment and maximizes the utilization of critical resources such as the staff qualified to give injections.

It also tracks vaccination batch numbers to maintain pharmacovigilance as well as the identity of the health worker performing the injection, and generates DIVOC-format certificates.
RECOVERS also provides optional decentralized, regulation-friendly biometric capabilities to deter and prevent potential critical problems such as paid queue-jumping especially between a patient registration event and a vaccination event, to deter and prevent misuse of vaccination certificates, as well as to assist in resolving loss-to-follow-up or to confirm identity when investigating adverse reaction events.

Regarding digital campaigns more generally, it is useful to build upon results of previous or other ongoing digital campaigns at the individual patient level since this helps address global health problems that are highly interconnected, e.g. malaria and MNCH, yet at the same time manage the reality that different campaigns are typically proposed, funded, deployed and monitored separately. It is then useful to generate a deduplicated Cross-Campaign Personal ID that persists for a patient across different campaigns for months, years or even the lifetime of a patient, as discussed in our work on Identity.
A deduplication process for many Cross-Campaign ID use cases may only need to cover a catchment area of the expected movements of patients. For example, a catchment area may cover migration paths of truck drivers or workers as they travel from mines to their homelands, or may simply be based on a geographical radius.
SmartHealth RECOVERS
DIVOC-format certificate