IPRD has been contributing to the data capture module in google /android-fhir. This module follows the concepts described in the Structured Data Capture IG, and can be used by developers to render a FHIR Questionnaire on an android phone, collect the answers, generate a Questionnaire Response and extract useful FHIR Resources.
IPRD has also developed software APIs and standards to allow developers to integrate diverse objective measurement modules into machine-guided workflows. It is anticipated that FHIR will accelerate the adoption, and increase the value of easy-to-use, low-cost, point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics for diseases in underserved communities.
Examples include: devices that measure vitals, or that can be used to administer laboratory tests, as well as systems that can use artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to provide assessments and treatment plans based on diagnoses. These systems are also referred to as machine-guided-diagnostic (MGD) systems.
The diverse point-of-care diagnostics ecosystem will require seamless orchestration and data exchange between systems and devices. Previously, this has been done through proprietary protocols and data structures. This increases the cost of adding new MGD systems to point-of-care diagnostics eco-systems and, moreover, leads to isolated systems that are rarely interoperable. The use and adoption of HL7 FHIR© can reduce the cost of adding new devices and applications, and can enable the point-of-care diagnostics ecosystem in underserved communities. For more details, please see our FHIR Implementation Guide.
Our vision for the PoC diagnostics ecosystem includes integration of solutions from different vendors for specific use cases.

IPRD is also working with the VCI committee on standards for COVID-19 vaccination certificates. In particular, IPRD is focusing on the mapping between the FHIR-based VCI certificate standard and the DIVOC certificate standard that is gathering adoption in many LMI countries.